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Using EFT for fears & phobias

a woman holds her hands over her face_ed

EFT / tapping is a gentle and effective way to release the grip of fears and phobias that keep you stuck and unable to do simple things. 

By exploring what the emotional and physical connection is to the thing you fear, you can release the grip it has on you.

From spiders to a fear of driving on the motorway, most fears usually stem from a memory that holds an emotional charge for you. Working gently with tapping we can explore what that foundational memory may be and work to release it. 

Some fears can be minimised in one session, but normally you may need at least 3 sessions of EFT to work on bigger fears and phobias,


SB, Norway - Spider phobia

Edderkopper - før kunne jeg knapt nok skrive, tenke eller bare si ordet høyt uten å få voldsomme frysninger og avsky grimaser i ansiktet mitt. Etter en session med Karen føler jeg meg mye mer avslappet. Jeg klarer å se bilder av edderkopper uten at kroppen min går helt i panikkbevegelser og uten å kjenne de vanvittige frysningene og en slags kvalmende følelse. Det føles veldig befriende og jeg gleder meg nesten til mitt første med edderkopp etter Karen sin session, bare for å se hvordan jeg takler det!


Spiders - before I could barely write, think or even say the word out loud without getting violent chills and disgusted grimaces on my face. After a session with Karen, I feel much more relaxed. I can see pictures of spiders without my body going into full panic motions and without feeling the crazy chills and kind of sick feeling. It feels very liberating and I'm almost looking forward to my first spider after Karen's session, just to see how I handle it!

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