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I would recommend Karen to anyone and have benefitted more than I could have expected from every session I've had with her. Karen is warm, non-judgmental and holds a calm space with gentle guidance. Karen has a wealth of knowledge and experience and it shows, she has a genuine interest in your story and your goals and is able to highlight ways of looking at them that you might not have seen before. Karen is a great listener and is able to reflect back to you with skill and kindness. Karen is a great coach and practitioner, one session might just change your life.

JW, Chester

EFT Client

When you work with a coach like Karen, you're given the chance to create true and lasting change. EFT is something I had dabbled in before. However, when I was guided by Karen during our sessions, I could feel things shifting on another level. We peeled back so many layers. My healing process was deeper and more meaningful. I felt, and still feel, as though I'm on an entirely new path to understanding who I am as a result of our EFT sessions.

Karen is a gift of a coach. Her warmth, openness, and entire being capture the essence of what it means to be a coach. I feel like I could say anything to her, and she would accept and support me. Empathy and a deep love of helping others is a huge part of why she is such a wonderful person. Thank you for everything, Karen!

KG, Netherlands
Coaching & EFT Client

Litt spent på hva EFT var gikk jeg inn med åpent sinn. Karen har en tilstedeværelse og omsorg i seg som skaper rom for tillit og man kan kjenne på de følelsene som dukker opp i trygge omgivelser ❤️ dette var fantastisk å oppleve og jeg kjente en umiddelbar effekt gjennom timen vi hadde. Det dukket opp minner underveis som jeg ikke visste var der og som jeg fikk jobbet meg gjennom. I etterkant bruker jeg tapping som virkemiddel i ubehagelige og stressende situasjoner. Har du utfordringer du ønsker å jobbe med kan jeg trygt anbefale EFT og ikke minst sammen med Karen ☺️


A bit curious about what EFT was, I went in with an open mind. Karen has a presence and care in her that creates room for trust, and you can feel the feelings that emerge in safe surroundings ❤️ this was wonderful to experience and I felt an immediate effect during the class we had. Memories surfaced along the way that I didn't know were there and that I got to work through. Afterwards, I use tapping as a tool in unpleasant and stressful situations. If you have challenges you want to work on, I can safely recommend EFT and not least together with Karen ☺️

RR, Norway
EFT Client

Have been working with Karen for only a short time but already she has supported me above and beyond. I have had life changing moments in her sessions, which have allowed me to grow as a person in life and business. I'm excited for the future again and continuing my journey with Karen...... Thank you so much

SA, Scotland
Coaching client

Karen is an amazing coach & human! If you're looking to work with someone who is warm, kind, highly intuitive & makes the idea of sharing all your thoughts feel beyond comfortable & safe, then look no further. My sessions with Karen are always thought provoking & enlightening. She has a way of holding this wonderfully safe space for us to work in & always seems to know what to say. I come away from our sessions feeling so much clearer on what's actually going on in my often jam-packed brain & what it is I need to do (Or not do). Honestly, I highly, highly recommend working with Karen. She really is incredible at what she does!!

CL, London
Coaching Client

Before I started working with Karen, I was feeling so vulnerable and low. I was going through huge life changes having just closed my business and experiencing some health issues. From the first session with Karen, I felt so at ease. Being a business owner and a mummy, I felt like I could relate so much to her and she immediately made me feel seen and heard. She has such great intuition and always shows compassion and understanding of where you are. Through the work we did together, I had some amazing breakthroughs. I was feeling so overwhelmed about where to start with my new business but through coaching with Karen, I felt so much clearer. I started to get my confidence back and felt more clarity about my next steps in life particularly with my business. Karen has an amazing way of helping you to break things down so it feels more manageable and achievable. I felt so much calmer and had much more clarity after every single one of my sessions. I would highly recommend Karen as a coach. She’s amazing!!

EM, Cheshire
Coaching Client

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